Revival Revolution Redemption

Dr.Michael L. Brown
Dr.Michael Brown
Dr.Michael Brown








Have Things Gone 'Too Far'?

Find Spiritual Sanity in Today's Society

Grace and truth are forever intertwined. Speaking the truth in love is the key to courage and compassion in the face of this current cultural madness. It's time to rise!

A Healthy Church is Our Only Hope

Be Strengthened in the Word and Spirit

Hungry for a Spirit-energized faithbuilt upon the firm foundation of Scripturewithout excesses, dilutions, or distortions? Let’s go deeper!

Who is the Real Messiah?

Get Answers to Jewish Objections

Explore, question, investigate, and debate to find the truth about the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. Learn more...

Question mark

Does the Bible still apply to my life today?

Where can I grow deeper in my spiritual understanding?

Who can I trust when surrounded by misinformation and media lies?

Do my prayers actually make any difference?

How can I be Jewish and believe in Jesus?

How do I live as a follower of Jesus in a corrupt world?

Surrounded by moral chaos and spiritual confusion?

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Real Messiah

A little about...

Michael L. Brown, PhD

As an author, national (and international) speaker on themes of spiritual renewal and cultural reformation, he has debated Jewish rabbis, agnostic professors, and LGBTQ+ activists on radio, TV and college campuses. Widely considered to be the world’s foremost Messianic Jewish apologist, his scholarship and deep knowledge of the ancient texts provide a robust defense of faith in Yeshua/Jesus...



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"I just want to say I have really come to appreciate Dr. Brown over the years. At first, it was his sharp mind and knowledge of a vast array of topics I appreciated about him. But I have come to find that he truly has the love of Christ living in him, and you can tell this by the care and sensitivity he gives to his callers on The Line of Fire, which I have experienced personally."

Jesse D.

You've got a target on your back. Are you prepared for the fight?

If you are a believer in Jesus, you are in a spiritual battle. The battle lines have been drawn, and like it or not we are in the fray.

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